All posts by DUI Class Online

Hitting bottom is a term that refers to getting as low as you can in your life before you begin to change and work your way back up. It is often associated with addiction, whether it be alcohol or drug addiction. For some people, the point of actually hitting bottom is something they never recover from. However, for most, it is the point of change that inspires a better future. Have you hit bottom? Does any type of substance or behavior influence how you live your life? If so, then you may want to decide that now is bottom, and start your journey back. Clearly Seeing What Bottom Means One of the more difficult aspects of hitting bottom is trying to define it. Each person has a different idea and perspective as to what bottom is for them. For one person, it may be losing a job because they had alcohol on their breath. For others, it may be getting a DUI after an alcohol-related accident. You need to make the choice as to what bottom means to you. Look around at your life. Are there things about your life that could be better? Do you have to change around what you do each day to keep up with a habit that controls you? If so, then you likely have some type of an addiction. Once you have a label for it, you can begin to fix it! Decide that this is as low as you are willing to go in your life and that you want more. Decide that you want to regain control over what you do each day. Hitting bottom does not need to be what defines you. It can be a totally internal choice you make that no one else knows about or understands. It just means that you have made the choice that enough is enough, and you have chosen to seek help. There are many different options for you when you are at your bottom. You do not have to go through some type of life-changing event to make your life better. The choice is yours to make today, right now. Examples of Hitting Bottom Each person’s idea of bottom is as unique as they are. What may be a minor event to one person, may be devastating for someone else. Perhaps you started hiding alcohol or drugs around the house so no one noticed you having some of your substance of choice. Then, someone found your stash. This can be your bottom. For others, you may have lost a job or ruined a relationship to continue your drug or alcohol use. Many see this as their bottoming out point. There is also that line that many people have prior to drinking or using drugs that they swear they will never cross. It is usually that they will never steal from someone they love or lie about their habit. Once the person realizes that line has already been crossed, then they realize where their life really is. This can be a great example of bottom to someone. This becomes the point of saying, no more, and making positive changes to their life. One prominent example of a person hitting their own personal bottom is getting arrested for a DUI. They think that their future is permanently altered, and they worry about the stigma that comes with a DUI. While this is a life-altering event, it does not have to dictate your entire future. If you have gotten a DUI, you can make things better. Your life does not have to be defined by your lowest point. However, your journey back to the top can be initiated by this moment. Ways of Getting Your Life Back After Hitting Bottom Once you have made the choice to fix things after realizing you are at your bottom, you need to take steps to improve your life. Making the choice alone is not enough. Your actions have to follow suit. If you chose to stop using drugs or drinking alcohol, first of all, good for you! Now, you need to reach out to local rehab facilities to get that part of your life going. There are plenty of rehab options out there, so pick the one you feel best about. That way, you are far less likely to ever relapse. Next, you need to decide what the different parts of your life were that fell into the “bottom” category. Did you lose relationships? If so, then work on getting them back. You may not be able to get them all back, but many of them could be salvaged with the right approach. Did you lose a job? Then go out and find a new one that you can be proud of. Even if you take a remedial job for now, that’s fine. You can keep applying and moving up until you are satisfied. Finally, take steps to improve your life overall. If you did get arrested for a DUI as your bottom point, get help. There are many places you can turn to for DUI assistance. They know the process, and how to help you look your best when you are put in front of a judge. There are things you will need to do to show that you never want to make this mistake again. This can include a DUI screening, possibly going through rehab, and even online DUI classes. However, each step you take shows the judge you really want to correct the mistake you made. For DUI Assistance, Reach Out to DUI Class Online AZ If a DUI was you hitting bottom, do not be afraid to take the necessary steps to fix the issue. Pretending it didn’t happen is not going to give you the confidence to move forward with your life. It is also not going to take away the stigma. Only correcting your life can do those things. Contact us here at DUI Class Online AZ today, by calling (602)535-6468 today. We can help you get your life back on track.

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You will likely go through a wide variety of emotions when you face a DUI arrest. Many feel embarrassed and ashamed. Some struggle with feeling like they cannot be out in public or around friends or family. Getting a DUI can be incredibly isolating. One common emotion many people face is depression. Between no longer drinking, which many do immediately after a DUI arrest, and the rest of the emotions, you may struggle to feel the same as before the arrest. There are things you can do to help manage this way of feeling. What Is Depression Truly? Depression is not just feeling sad, even though many people take it that way. There is far more to depression than just feeling off, sad, or even alone. Depression is a biological occurrence that affects the way your body functions, not just your emotions. You need to understand that depression is a way of living, even if you do not feel as though you are living the best life possible. It is changes in how your body functions and the hormones coursing through your body. It is not someone being lazy or just feeling like they are entitled to sit down and relax. Depression is not something that can be controlled by choice or doing nothing. You need to take action, and sometimes medication, to control the symptoms. What Can Be Done to Combat Depression After a DUI Arrest? Some of the ways to manage depression involve making choices that may not get you feeling better right away. However, if you keep making those choices, they will have a positive impact in a bit of time. You have to be patient and keep trying – they will help. Here are some of the best choices you can make when battling depression. Make Sure to Sleep Well Each Night: Sleep is something many people with depression get too much of, but a lot of it is shortened sleep. You do not get the deep, full, restful sleep you need. Instead, you wake up regularly, struggle to fall and stay asleep, and wake up feeling worse. Get a solid eight hours of sleep whenever you can. It helps your body recover! Eat Healthy Foods: What you eat makes a big difference when it comes to how you feel. Make sure to fill your meals with nutritious options that leave you feeling good and full. Pick lots of natural foods, and steer clear of eating big portions of meat. All meats may make you feel full, but they are also harder to digest, which can leave you feeling sluggish. Get Up and Get Moving: One of the harder things to do after a DUI arrest is getting out, but you need to do it. Getting your body past depression means making choices to get up and move around. Exercise gets your body moving, plus it helps get your mind where it needs to be. The quicker you are able to get up and get moving, the less control your depression will have. Ways of Overcoming the Doubt That Comes with a DUI Arrest Another thing that comes from a DUI arrest and subsequent depression is how much doubt you may feel. This is another powerful emotion that feeds depression. Instead of letting it control how you go about your day, you need to make the active choice to control it. You made a mistake, so own it. From there, make plans to prevent this mistake from being one you ever make again. Create a plan that outlines steps you can take to ensure that you always have something you can fall back on, even if you make a poor decision. For example, if you are going to drink, you are going to give your keys to someone else. That way, you never have keys to drink and drive, and you have no fear of another DUI arrest. You need to make a plan to protect yourself and those around you from a momentary bad choice. If your choices revolve around drinking alcohol, then you need to change up your habits so that alcohol is no longer a part of your life. Getting sober is not the worst thing you could do after being arrested for a DUI. Instead, it may be the best move you can make. It will not be easy, but it will be worth it. Especially if you don’t do it alone! DUI Class Online AZ Can Help When you are ready to plan for the future, without depression and without the doubt that comes from an arrest, then call us. Here at DUI Class Online AZ, we can help you see your alcohol habits for what they truly are thanks to a DUI Screening. Then, we can also help you learn the effects of alcohol and drinking. You may be under the impression that it is not going to hurt you. However, any amount of alcohol, even the smallest glass, has the potential to cause harm. Some people do not have bodies that are able to tolerate what alcohol can do. You may be one of them. Reach out to us here at DUI Class Online AZ. Our number is 602-535-6468, and we are ready to help you move forward. No matter what choices you want to make for the rest of your life, they all start when you take your DUI arrest seriously and take the necessary steps to move forward with it. Don’t let one poor choice impact the way you live for the rest of your life. Depression does not need to be your normal. Instead, you can move past it and live a happy, fulfilling life that you are proud of. We are more than our worst moments, so prove that to yourself and the world. Contact us today, and make tomorrow the start of a whole new chapter of you.  

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Online DUI Classes
Taking DUI classes online is one of the options you have when you face a DUI arrest in Arizona. Instead of having to go into an actual classroom, you can do some of the learning through internet-based classes because in some instances, that is the easiest route to take. However, many people are not sure what type of benefit they get if they opt to do their classes online. Here are some of the biggest benefits that you can get when taking DUI classes online. You Get to Remain More Anonymous When Taking DUI Classes Online One of the biggest perks most people mention about online DUI classes is the anonymity. They get to be a name without a face that others can see. This can greatly reduce the stigma that comes with a DUI arrest. Most people who have faced a DUI struggle with making their mistake known to the world. If you have to go to a traditional classroom to get the classes complete, others obviously know why you are there since they are there for the same reason. Now, with this option, you can take online DUI classes and feel less in the spotlight. While you and the rest of your class are still there for the same reason, you do not have a face to go with any name you may hear. There Is a Lot More Flexibility In most cases, you can take online DUI classes with far more flexibility than can be offered in a traditional classroom. For example, if you only have the option of every Monday in a regular classroom, or one night a week online of your choice, you can then pick and choose which fits into your schedule best. You still have to put in the same amount of time and effort when doing your DUI courses online. However, you get a bit more freedom when it comes to how you do them with this option. If you are trying to work and cannot get off during the times traditional classes are available, this is a great way of still getting your DUI course done in time to satisfy the courts. Concentration is Often Much Easier Online One of the perks that often gets overlooked is the ability to concentrate better online versus in a classroom. There are not five, fifteen, or one hundred other people in the room with you. Instead, it is you, in a quiet room, listening to the information being presented. This allows you to concentrate on what information you are being told and take more of it in. With a traditional classroom, every noise other people make is going to potentially distract you. When you are at home taking an online DUI class, you get to be where it is totally quiet and you are able to focus. This means you are far more likely to retain the teachings long-term over taking traditional DUI classes. Online DUI Classes Typically Cost Less When taking any sort of class online, including DUI classes, you are typically going to find they cost less overall. This is because you are incurring the outside costs on your end. Instead of having to pay for the teacher, room, lights, building, etc., now, the course only has to cover the cost of the teacher since you are paying for the rest in your home or wherever you take your class. This saves you money, plus allows the classes to be provided at a lower expense than if you were to go into a traditional classroom to take them. You Get to Be More Comfortable Another great perk of taking DUI classes online is that you can be comfortable when you do them. Instead of having to sit in rock-hard cafeteria style chairs with your knees banging into the bottom of the desk, you can sit wherever is comfortable for you. Be at home, on the couch, with your computer on the coffee table. No one will care if you are in your pajamas. What matters is that you are paying attention and taking in the information being presented to you. Sit at home, or go to the library. You can attend at an internet café, or in your best friend’s living room. Go wherever you feel the most comfortable and where you will have the fewest interruptions. You need to make sure you get the information out of the class, not wear specific clothes or sit in specific seats. Online DUI Classes Also Save You Time On top of all the rest of the benefits that come with taking online DUI classes, you also have the time-saving aspect to consider. What would you be doing if you had to figure out a way to commute to a class 30 minutes away? Would someone be driving you, since you have no license? Maybe you would be listening to the radio or talking. However, what could you do if you had that hour back instead of having to drive there and home? Could you do something more productive with that commute time? Most people have better things to do than sit in traffic and curse under their breath about how people always forget how to drive. Save Yourself the Hassle and Start Taking Classes Give yourself the ability to get the most out of your DUI classes by taking them online. You can save time and money, be comfortable when you attend the class, and you get to keep more of your circumstances to yourself in the process. Call us here at DUI Class Online AZ today, at 602-535-6468. We can get you set up to start taking DUI classes online in no time. Then, you can do what the court is saying you need to do, your way. You get to have your life back, while still learning how to avoid ever making this mistake again.

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Officers check IDs at DUI Checkpoint
There is no doubt that life changes after a DUI charge. It will likely change even more if you face a DUI conviction. No matter if you were in Scottsdale, Phoenix, or Tucson when you got arrested for DUI, your life will be different from that moment on. How you choose to survive after that moment is up to you. However, there are many ways that it can be made easier. While you may struggle with shame from your mistake, or some people treating you differently, your life does not need to be ruined from that mistake. What you do next is up to you. Learn to Manage the Changes with Support from Loved Ones There are people around who love you, and want to be there to help you through the chaos of this moment. You need to keep in mind that they want to help, but may not be sure how to do so. Lean on them. Lean on the friends and family closest to you and talk to them about what you are going through. They will understand more than you think they will. By opening up and talking to them, they can understand what it feels like to be in your shoes and help you keep progressing forward. They may not be able to drive you around as you work to get your license back, but many of them can be there to listen and talk. The sideline benefit of opening up to them is that they can also help hold you accountable in the future, ensuring you will never make this same mistake again. Consider Getting Some Outside Support After a DUI Making it through the DUI process is tiring, but worth it. However, it is easier if you have the right support system set up. You have options, even if you do not trust friends and family members to be there for you. Perhaps your family is even more invested in alcohol than you have ever been. In cases like this, getting outside support may be the better option. One place to turn is local meetings. This can be for Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA, or Narcotics Anonymous, or NA. Both of these meetings can provide you with a lot of accountability, plus a wide support system. You also have the option of turning to therapy after a DUI. Talking about the issues that lead you to drinking alcohol could go a long way towards helping you give it up. Open up to a professional therapist and give them the chance to help you see things in a healthier way. Your past does not need to dictate how you behave today. It can be something you move forward from, but you need to do it the right way. Counseling could help free you from the chains that led you to making the mistake of drinking and driving in the first place. It is certainly worth a try. Rehab is a Good Option There is always the option of going to rehab after a DUI arrest. It may be the best option you have, as well. It gives you the opportunity to give up alcohol once and for all. Plus, you also have help during the entire process. If you choose to never drink again, you never have to worry about another DUI again either. You can turn to several types of rehabs, depending on your specific needs. Some focus on just one gender, while others focus on just one type of addiction. Turning to a rehab that has extensive experience in alcohol recovery is your best bet. That way, you know they have the experience to help you recover, plus the know-how to manage anything that could go wrong during your recovery. Keep the Right People Around You After a DUI One way of ensuring you have the right support after a DUI is to ensure you only have positive, helpful, and inspirational people around you after a DUI. This means kicking some people out of your life in many cases. If you only hung out with some people while drinking, then you no longer need them in your life if drinking is no longer a part of your life. Make sure the people you have around you are able to provide something positive to offer your life. Let them go if they do not have something good to bring to you or your life. It could be the best choice you make in terms of keeping your long-term sobriety intact. Turn to DUI Professionals to Help You Make sure you also have DUI professionals on your side when you are ready to learn how to manage life after a DUI. There are plenty of options out there, so how do you know who to turn to? You want to opt for people who have helped a lot of others through the DUI process. Here at DUI Class Online AZ, we help people on a daily basis. We provide DUI screenings and online DUI classes, and know what things you are likely to experience during your recovery. We offer classes that satisfy the MVD of Arizona for DUI classes, and they cover a huge variety of topics. There are aspects of our classes that cover 12 step programs, how alcohol affects your body, especially your brain, the penalties you could face from your DUI, and safe alternatives to drinking and driving. Plus, there are many more topics covered. If you want to be able to have a support system in place, while also learning what needs to be done to regain control over your life, call us. Our number is 602-535-6468. Reach out to us today. We will not only help you through the DUI process in Arizona, but also support you during your recovery by means of education. Start your journey to recovery today.

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Alcohol Cravings After DUI
After getting arrested for a DUI, things in your life are bound to change. Many people try to immediately give up on drinking, but then struggle with alcohol cravings. This can lead you right back into the same pattern that just got you in trouble. Instead of trying to live with those cravings, learn how to handle them before they hit. There are several things you can do to make handling them a lot easier. Here are some ways of keeping your alcohol cravings from costing you your sobriety. Put Your Alcohol Cravings in Perspective One of the hardest, yet most effective ways of keeping your alcohol cravings under control is to put them in perspective. Think about this. If you give in to your craving now, a year from now you will look back at this moment and not feel any different than you do today. However, if you say no now, a year from now you could be celebrating a year of sobriety. Each craving lasts a few minutes. If you can simply distract yourself for a few minutes, you will win this battle. There will be many battles before the war is won, as they say, but only think about one at a time. This is the perspective you need. You need to win this moment, this singular battle. Don’t worry about a half-hour from now, or tomorrow, or next week. You focus on right now and make it through the next minute, then one more after that. By breaking your perspective down into small bits, they are easier to manage. Also, remembering that these cravings do subside can also help. While you feel them quite strongly now, it does not mean it will be that way forever. You can make it through the small moments now, only to realize that you have actually made it through larger portions of time than you may have ever thought possible before: one day first, then a week, then two weeks, and it just keeps going. Get Active Instead of Craving More Alcohol Cravings can take over your mind, if you do not find something else to do. Getting active requires you to think about what you are doing. Consider jump roping. It is very difficult to do without concentrating. You have to focus on when the rope is coming around next if you intend to jump over it. The same goes with swimming and focusing on your strokes. Go out and play a round of golf, or play a game of basketball with a friend. Just do something fun and active to move your mind beyond that momentary problem. Get Creative if You Want to Make It Past Alcohol Cravings Another way of moving past cravings is to get some type of creative activity going. Have you ever played an instrument? Now is the time to pick it back up. Have you ever painted before? No? Then now is the time to learn. Pick up a new book, write down a story, or create a new song. Work with clay, or make a piece of art out of wood. No matter what creative choice you go with, make it unique and make it something you can use to keep your mind busy. Fill Your Body with Nutrients Instead Another way of pushing back cravings is to fill your body up with the nutrients it needs instead of the alcohol it wants. Eating healthy foods help to re-stabilize your body from the inside, out. Fill in any nutritional gaps you may have had when drinking through the foods you eat. Make sure to drink lots of water to get the extra toxins and leftover debris out of your body. The more you are able to fill your body with healthy, nutritious options now, the less you will crave any type of alcohol in the near future. Become Part of a Recovery Group Recovery groups are everywhere, and cover all types of people. One of the best places to find a recovery group is by going to AA or a similar style of meeting. You can also find many different recovery groups online. Without the support of a recovery group, when you face obstacles, they can seem insurmountable. By having people you can turn to, you are then able to work through any type of a problem that comes up more easily. Talk in online forums, reach out to local churches for help, or just speak with those who support your recovery. You can start your own group if you do not find one you feel comfortable with. Just make sure you find somewhere to talk. Getting out what is going on in your mind can help keep the cravings for alcohol at bay while your body works through this process. Turn to Your Recovery Support Team Part of any good recovery program is a recovery support team. These are people you can talk to at any point in time, about anything, who will listen and help you. They are not there to judge you, and they are not there to pick on you for what you may be going through. Instead, they are there to help you realize that what you are going through is normal for someone in your situation, and that you will get through whatever is going on now as well. You can make it through this process, and having a recovery support group by your side is one way to make that easier. Don’t be afraid of talking about what you think or how you feel. You are not alone. Remember, you have options instead of giving in to your alcohol cravings. If you need help with your alcohol recovery, reach out to us here at DUI Class Online AZ. Reach us by calling 602-535-6468, and let us help you manage your situation better. You are not alone during this process unless you choose to be. Choose to have help so you get the final outcome you want, and deserve. Call us today.

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Sobriety Check for Subsequent DUI
Getting a subsequent DUI after you have already had one is no fun. This becomes even more devastating when you have to tell your friends and family about the mistake. One of the best things that you can do at this point is to make sure you take responsibility for your mistake. Own up to what you did, and work hard towards making amends. Show that you really did not mean to make this mistake again, and get back on track to living the kind of life you're meant to live. That way, everyone around you can see that you are trying to get back on track. Getting a Subsequent DUI Means Harsher Punishments The penalties for a DUI increase with each offense. They will be harsher than the first time around so that you hopefully learn your lesson this time. By the time you get a subsequent DUI, it means they need to do something that will stand out in your mind. Your potential time in jail goes up, as do the fines you will be expected to pay. You will have more DUI class hours that you need to fulfill, and you will also have more work to do to get your license back. The choice was yours the first time, live and learn, or repeat your mistake. The state of Arizona wants you to live and learn without ever making that mistake again. How to Take Responsibility After a Subsequent DUI The first thing you have to do is accept what you did and be open about it. This is likely going to mean talking to friends and family about the situation. You will have more time in court, so you need to make sure they know what is going on if you will need their help.  Next, you need to immediately start taking the right steps to fix the problem. Look into how to resolve your subsequent DUI. This means getting sober again, if you were before, or at least considering getting sober now if you never stopped drinking. Plus, it means making sure that you have steps in place to ensure you do not fall into this pattern again. If you plan to continue drinking, either do so at home, or make sure you have a ride home.  Finally, you need to actively get help for the stressful things that lead you towards drinking in the first place. Nearly everyone turns to alcohol due to feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, once alcohol is more than just a habit. Don’t try and manage your stress alone. Get help to manage where you are and what is going on in your life. There are meetings for those who struggle with alcohol daily, in nearly every big city across the US and beyond. If you can find a way to get into a subsequent DUI problem, you can find your way to a meeting. Get Past the Stigma Problems Another part of what comes with a subsequent DUI is increased stigma for your actions. This may also be accompanied by guilt. Don’t use these as crutches to stay where you are. You still need to make the active choice to get back to the life you want to lead. Leaning on these issues is only going to hold you back. It is also going to likely increase your desire to drink, since it gives you something to blame or be angry at. Stop worrying about what everyone else in the world thinks of you, and start doing what you truly know is best for you. If you are no longer sure of what that is, seek help. It will become clear to you once the fog clears that is left behind from alcohol. Getting Help Does Not Need to Be Difficult Whether this is your first Arizona DUI or your third, you have help options out there. You have people who understand your position and how to get out of it. You simply have to make the choice to reach out to them. It is your decision whether you want to linger on, focused on a mistake, or take responsibility for what you did and move forward with your life. If you choose to move forward, then please, reach out to us here at DUI Class Online AZ today. We can be reached by calling 602-535-6468. You will not be the first person we have helped go through a subsequent DUI screening, nor will you be the last. We have helped many individuals in situations like yours, and we have a keen eye for what helps. On top of knowing what has helped others, we can also help get you aligned with the right support system to successfully traverse your subsequent DUI arrest. When you take responsibility for your mistake, the world begins to see you as a human being again, instead of as someone who recklessly took a huge risk. The stigma that comes from a DUI typically stems from them seeing you as that risk-taker. Don’t be afraid to go out and show that you are owning up for what you did. Let the people who matter to you, see that you want to be more than the sum of your mistakes. Call us today, and let us help you get that process started for your life. The sooner you get on the road to recovery, the sooner those around you will start seeing you in the right light again.

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DUI Class Online AZ
It is really important that you understand when you can face DUI charges in Arizona. If not, you could get pulled over and not realize the danger. Driving while under any influence of alcohol is not safe. However, if you do cross over the legal DUI limits, you put a lot of people at risk. You are at risk yourself, simply because you are operating a vehicle. However, you also risk the lives of those around you. This includes other people on the road, but also pedestrians and people just going about their daily lives. Make sure you understand the implication of facing DUI charges in Arizona before you get behind the wheel after drinking even a small amount of alcohol. Underage Drinkers Face DUI Charges in Arizona for Any Amount of Alcohol Here in Arizona, the legal drinking age is 21. That means, as of your 21st birthday, you can legally go out and purchase and consume alcohol. Prior to your 21st birthday, it is illegal for you to possess or consume even the slightest amount of alcohol. If you get caught having any alcohol in your system, driving or not, you can face DUI charges in Arizona. However, if you are driving with any alcohol in your system, you are looking at losing your license and fines, bare minimum. Commercial Drivers Are Held to Higher DUI Standards Than Other Drivers In Arizona, those who drive commercial vehicles face stricter standards than those who simply drive themselves or their family around. It is considered safe for a commercial driver to have the equivalent of a beer a few hours before taking a shift, but their blood alcohol concentration, or BAC, must remain below 0.04%. If they take a blood alcohol test and it comes back higher than that, they will be facing DUI charges in Arizona. Regular DUI Charges in Arizona For standard drivers, they must keep their BAC at 0.07% or lower. Once their BAC hits 0.08%, they fall under the category of DUI. Most officers who suspect someone may be driving under the influence will pull the driver over, then decide what signs of drunkenness they can see. Typically, this decision is made with the help of tests, commonly called field sobriety tests. What the officer will do is ask the person to perform a few mundane tasks. They can include things like: Saying the alphabet backward, starting with Z and ending with A. Walking along a straight line on the ground. They can use a street line or draw a straight line with chalk. Some officers will ask the person to count to 30 or 60, while standing on one foot, without losing their balance. They will also typically ask people to follow a flashlight with their eyes, as the officer moves it back and forth. Those that show any signs of trouble with the above tests, are usually asked to also do a breathalyzer. While you do have the right to decline, if they believe you are drunk, they have the right to arrest you as well. For those that do show up as drunk, the officer will take your license and it is effectively suspended for a period of 12 months from that date. Arizona is also different than many other states in that if you do face DUI charges, you get hit with two sets of charges. You face the criminal DUI charges in Arizona, plus you also face charges from the Arizona MVD, or the Motor Vehicle Division. This can leave you facing court charges for a long time, and increase the consequences that you face along the way. Extreme and Aggravated DUI Charges in Arizona If you were to drive with a BAC level at or above 0.15%, this is considered an extreme DUI. It carries with it its own set of consequences. Instead of just losing your license and facing a fine, plus a few days in jail, your consequences can increase from there. You may go from jail time to prison time, and your fines can increase as well. For an aggravated DUI, you have to meet some specific circumstances. For example, if this is the third time you have faced DUI charges in Arizona within the last 84 months, this is a condition for an aggravated DUI. You can also face aggravated DUI charges in Arizona if you get a DUI while anyone that is under the age of 15 in your vehicle. So, if you happened to drive home with your young children in the car, this can result in you facing aggravated DUI charges. If you get a DUI charge while your license is canceled, revoked, or suspended, this also results in you automatically getting upgraded to aggravated DUI charges in Arizona. We Can Help You Avoid Some of the Possible Maximum Consequences of DUI Charges in Arizona For most people, driving while under the influence of alcohol is a mistake. It is something you never meant to do, and you never meant any harm to anyone along the way. This is something that courts understand. They know that it may have been a temporary lapse of judgment. For this reason, they appreciate seeing people take their DUI charges seriously. If you come in and get help here at the Stonewall Institute, it can help you during your court appearances. We can show the court that you came in for treatment, and are taking steps to ensure you never repeat that mistake again in the future. Reach out to us here at DUI Class Online AZ at (602) 535-6468. Please take the time to reach out to us if you face DUI charges in Arizona. We understand how much getting help can aid you when you go to court, plus, we also know you want to get better after making this mistake. Let us help get your life going along the right path.  

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DUI Screening Court
When you are arrested for a DUI in Arizona, you will face many stiff penalties, including jail time (between 24-hours - 6 months), fines of $250 - $2,500, and losing your license for 90 days. Obviously, none of these punishments are fun and they can all wreak havoc on your life. However, there are some things you can do to improve your outcome – like getting a DUI screening before you go before the judge. Why You Should get a DUI Screening Before Your Court Date Getting a DUI screening before your court date has many advantages. To understand these advantages, you must first understand what this screening is. Essentially, it is a 15 - 30-minute one-on-one interview with an alcohol counselor who asks you questions about your drinking habits. They will then recommend a treatment plan which you are only obligated to follow if you are convicted of DUI. Typically, this treatment plan will require 16 hours of your time for your first offense, but if you have committed multiple, extreme, super extreme or aggravated DUIs it will require between 36 - 72 hours of your time. Scheduling your DUI screening as soon as possible is a good idea for several reasons, including:  It reduces your license suspension from 90 days to 30 days of no driving with an additional 60 days of restricted driving.  If you are convicted of DUI, you will get credit towards the court-mandated Alcohol Screening you must complete in exchange for less jail time. Other Ways to Help Improve Your Case Scheduling a DUI screening before going to court is not the only thing you can do to help yourself. You can also:  Alcohol and drug assessment, including possible treatment, is recommended so you can face your problem sooner rather than later. Taking this action will impress the judge as your lawyer can present this as evidence that you are seeking help. They may, in turn, lessen your charges or help you make a plea.  Attending DUI school before trial lets you get your full driver’s license back after an administrative suspension. It also helps give your attorney some leverage in the charges against you because you are showing that you accept responsibility for your problem and its consequences.  Taking time to clean up your driving history, including any other violations or infractions (e.g. speeding, reckless driving), will enable your attorney to make a deal with the prosecuting attorney – they may even be able to create a “package deal” in which all your traffic offenses are taken care of at once for you. This is also another opportunity for you to show the judge that you are taking charge of your legal issues and your life instead of trying to run and hide from things.  Make sure you have enough money to cover your criminal offense – including money for a bond to get out of jail; retaining a lawyer; and hiring expert investigators, accident reconstructionists, couriers, process servers, field sobriety experts, and forensic experts. You will probably need to miss some work to appear in court, attend DUI school, and fulfill community service. All these things add up fast so do your best to start saving up money as soon as possible.  As we have mentioned, you will need to have time to attend court. You cannot determine when you will appear in front of the judge so you should save some of your vacation days for this. Be prepared just in case your hearing lasts for several days. If you have to go to jail at some point you are your DUI, you do not want to lose your job so you will need vacation days for this as well. Some people have discovered that they needed to spend your entire vacation time for a year taking care of this “mess.”  Getting involved in community service is a good thing to do while you are awaiting your trial because it will be a part of your mandatory punishment anyway. The number of hours you will need to undertake will be determined by the number of offenses you have committed and how severe your offense is. When you start working on these hours through a charitable or non-profit organization before your trial your lawyer will have a bargaining tool to use with the prosecutor. Another great reason to get started with this ahead of time is that you may be able to make a much better choice of where you spend these hours than what a judge may sentence you to. Additionally, you may be able to avoid any “probation supervision fees” here as well (monthly costs for your probation officer to oversee you and check up on how you are completing your court-ordered punishment). Many of the things you should do before your case goes to trial are in your best interest simply because they show the judge that you are taking things seriously, that you are taking “the bull by the horns.” When a judge sees that you are putting forth a good faith effort they will typically mitigate your punishment during the sentencing part of your indictment. Why You Need a Lawyer Throughout it All Along with getting DUI screening, make sure you also hire an attorney. While you will still lose your license for a while if you are convicted of DUI, there are some ways that an attorney can help you, including:  They will prepare for court by explaining what is expected of you in a way that will make sure you understand what is happening when you are in court.  Your attorney can help you complete some of your requirements before appearing in court like obtaining SR-22 auto insurance and filing the proper forms with the department of motor vehicles.  They can have you complete your alcohol education and treatment programs so you regain your driving privileges.   At DUI Class Online AZ, we have guided many people through this process. Our goal is to help you regain your driving privileges as quickly as possible. Give us a call at (602) 535-6468 as soon as you are arrested for a DUI so we can help you immediately begin reclaiming your life.

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DUI Class Online AZ
Understanding the Effects of Repeated DUI Offenses in Arizona While your first DUI offense is serious, repeated DUI offenses are even more serious as they carry long-term repercussions. Every state has their own set of penalties, but those in Arizona are treated much more severely. You will be slapped with fines, restrictions on your driver’s licenses, jail time, and other penalties that grow significantly “worse” based on the number of repeat Arizona DUI offenses you commit. The Consequences of Repeated DUI Offenses in Arizona It is important to look at the consequences you will face based on your number of offenses. These include: A first offense results in 10 days spent in jail and a $250 fine A second DUI offense results in 30 days spent in jail, an interlock device being installed in your car, over $3,000 in fines, your driver’s license being revoked for 12 months, and mandated alcohol/drug screening, education and treatment A third DUI results in four months in jail, $4,000 in fines and you are also charged with a felony now (all previous offenses were misdemeanors) which brings with it lasting consequences like being completely banned from owning any firearms, making you ineligible to vote or serve in the Armed Forces, and it will become difficult for you to find employment These are only some of the lasting consequences that you will face for a DUI offense. For instance, community service is not unheard of for DUI convictions. However, you must take note of the serious nature of these penalties. Doing so will also help you to understand why you need to hire an Arizona DUI defense lawyer to defend your legal rights for you. Additional Factors for Aggravated DUI An aggravated DUI in Arizona is defined as occurring when you have a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of 0.18% or higher. Committing repeated DUI offenses within a 7-year period is also another factor in determining if you will be charged with an aggravated DUI. Additional factors that can stack sanctions on you here include driving inebriated while having a minor child (someone under the age of 15) in your vehicle, committing a DUI while your license is either suspended or revoked, and causing serious injury or property damage because you operated a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Regardless of why you are charged with an aggravated DUI, you will be required to submit to the use of an ignition interlock. This is only one example of the potential punishments you may face, but you can expect them to increase exponentially. You should expect to spend even more time in jail and pay even steeper fines as well. Why You Need Help Defending Yourself in Court for Repeated DUI Offenses When you have committed a second or aggravated DUI in Arizona, you should expect to have an uphill legal battle on your hands. Typically, Arizona will come down hard on you because you are a repeat offender and the fact that they really want to reduce the statewide dangers of drinking and driving. Some people will even tell you that Arizona has some of the toughest laws in the nation when it comes to aggressively prosecuting DUIs. In fact, Wallet Hub conducted a study in which they stated that Arizona ranks number one in the nation for criminal penalties for DUI. With this information in mind, you can easily understand why you must get a criminal defense attorney to provide you with a strong legal defense. It is impossible for the “average” person to understand the various legal avenues they can use to challenge a DUI charge. This is something that your DUI defense attorney can do for you so that you will have the best possible defense. Of course, while these are serious charges it must be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty of a DUI before these serious consequences and penalties will apply to you. Even if the facts are unquestionable, you will want a lawyer who will work tirelessly to have your charges reduced and more lenient punishments applied on your behalf. How Your Attorney Will Defend You Understanding just how aggressively police and judges are with enforcing DUI, it should come as no surprise that the statutory minimum sentences are far from lenient. Most prosecutors will not agree to a plea bargain arrangement for serious, aggravated DUIs or for repeated DUI offenses. Mounting a strong defense in these cases is very challenging, but this is not impossible if you obtain the help of a skilled Arizona criminal defense attorney. These attorneys have multiple ways in which they can legally challenge a DUI charge, including finding: Inconsistencies in the police report Violations of your constitutional rights when you were arrested Inaccurate chemical tests caused by faulty lab equipment or improper police training Ways to attack your previous DUIs or license suspensions thus saving you from being labeled and sentenced as a repeat or aggravated offender Having a lawyer who can undermine the key evidence that the prosecution has against you, may be able to have the charges for repeat DUI against you completely dropped. Of course, you may still be charged with a less serious offense, but at least you will have your freedom, finances, and future protected. This is a real battle, though since you are up against a finely-tuned bureaucratic machine, which is why you need a lawyer who can invoke the powerful rights you have at your disposal. Your lawyer will also guide you through the DUI process. They will recommend you contact a DUI agency and first get a DUI screening. At DUI Class Online AZ, we provide the very best in Online DUI Services through the utilization of a secure online internet platform that provides confidentiality and HIPAA compliance for our clients. As an Arizona state certified provider, we are fully qualified to meet all of your DUI needs for your Arizona Court and the Arizona Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Division. Even if it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that you have committed a repeat or aggravated DUI, having an experienced lawyer who can help you assert your rights will help. They can possibly reduce the time you spend in jail, the likelihood of being labeled as a felon, and mitigate other lasting consequences too. So, if you have been arrested on suspicion of DUI, remember you are innocent until you are proven guilty, but you must act to get a lawyer right away. At DUI Class Online AZ, we have lots of experience defending people who are faced with multiple DUI charges. We are here to help you too. Give us a call us at (602)535-6468. We look forward to helping you restore your life soon.  

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AZ DUI Facts
  Arizona has some of the highest DUI rates in the nation. How many facts about Arizona DUIs and alcohol do you know? Most people only know a few, if any at all. However, this is a very dangerous aspect of many people’s lives. It is very important to understand how impactful alcohol really can be in someone’s life. You may have someone in your life that struggles with alcohol, and they may even realize just how much danger they are in. If you suspect someone you care about struggles with the effects of alcohol abuse, contact DUI Class Online AZ Today. It is important you understand just how powerful alcohol can be. Here are some very important facts to know about both alcohol, and how it turns into DUIs each year. Facts You Need to Know About DUIs and Alcohol One of the scariest facts about DUIs and alcohol is that the average person who drinks, then decides to get behind the wheel will do so about 80 different times before they finally face their first arrest. Granted, some are far fewer, but some are far more than those 80 times, too. Around 80 times that person will put their own life, and the lives of those around them at risk. They will believe themselves safe to operate a motor vehicle, and try and drive themselves somewhere. Another important fact about DUIs and alcohol is the number of injuries and fatalities that comes with them. Look at your clock and watch it go ahead by two minutes. Then, come back here and realize that at least one person was just injured because of DUIs and alcohol. That’s right, it takes only two minutes for that to happen, day in and day out. There are also those that do not survive a DUI. Some are the drivers, others are innocently in the wrong place at the wrong time. While deaths do not occur quite as often, they still happen at an alarming rate. It is said that every 51 minutes someone dies as a direct result of someone that drank then drove. Facts About Alcohol Abuse When you look at the facts about alcohol as opposed to the facts about DUIs and alcohol, the numbers get even harder to swallow, pardon the pun. Nearly 100,000 people die each and every year as a result of alcohol abuse. Here is another fact that may put alcohol abuse in perspective. Consider your average hospital. Take out the beds reserved for ICU and the maternity ward. Out of all of the rest of those beds, 2 out of every 5 beds are used to treat some type of ailment directly related to alcohol abuse. Looking at people under the legal drinking age in nearly every state of 21, the numbers are equally as problematic. Approximately 5,000 people in this age group die annually because of alcohol consumption or an incident that directly relates back to alcohol. This can include crashes in vehicles, suicide, homicide, alcohol poisoning, and accidents related to drunk driving. When you add up all of the years under the average lifespan people are when they pass from any alcohol related reason, you have nearly 2.5 million years. That is how many missed years we have just here in the United States annually. You Have Options When Armed with Facts About DUIs and Alcohol When you go into a conversation with someone that struggles with alcohol, arm yourself. Get the facts about DUIs and alcohol and show them. Point out how dangerous this simple, “legal” drug can cause. Getting a DUI has many consequences that come with it. Do they have a backup plan if they get pulled over and arrested? Many people who drink regularly to excess do not even have an extra emergency fund, let alone bail money if someone was hurt while they were driving under the influence. The first thing to happen once a person gets a DUI in Arizona is they lose their license. What happens to them then? Will someone be able to drive them to and from work each day? How will they get to the store or pay a bill that cannot be paid online? These are difficult questions, but they need answers. If you go into that conversation armed with facts about DUIs and alcohol, you are more likely to be able to give them new insight. It is really easy to ignore the consequences of drinking or to justify your behavior when you think you know it all. However, when faced with these facts, it can be much more difficult to deny what is going on. Show them the truth about their actions and behavior. Maybe then they will understand the importance of getting help now, rather than waiting. We Can Help You or the Person You Care About Get Past Their Struggle with Alcohol Alcohol is a very personal drug for most people. They do not share that they struggle with it, and they do it in private for most of their struggle. However, when you firmly believe someone you care about is going through that struggle, it is best to take a moment to help, if you can. They may not be ready or willing to listen to you putting those stats in front of them, but at least let them know you are there. Explain to them you do not want them to get into an accident, or face an Arizona DUI charge. The consequences of those actions are long-term and the cost is quite high, not just financially. If you or someone you love is in a fight for their life with alcohol, do not go through the fight alone. There are plenty of people who can and will help. Contact us or call at (602)535-6468. DUI Class Online AZ is here, ready and waiting to help you or your loved one with anything you need to break free from the grips of alcohol.

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